A one day, in person course for student midwives and midwives. It examines the biomechanics of the pelvis through labour, the physiology of birth, more effective diagnosis of mechanical labour dystocia and offers biomechanical techniques that help create space for the baby to navigate the journey more easily.
Course Content includes:
- Definition of labour dystocia, suboptimal positions & Statistics & birth outcomes.
- Applying Biomechanics to Birth including, anatomy and & physiology, causes of dystocia who is at risk and why and how to recognise it.
- Practical techniques include instinctive and flexible sacrum birth positions, the use of rebozo and positions to help labour progress such as forward leaning inversion, side lying release, abdominal lift, modified exagerrated lateral position, birth balls and peanut balls
- Techniques to improve diagnosis of a mechanical issue complicating the birth process
- Other helpful strategies that support physiological birth,
- Empowering midwifery and challenging the status quo
- Research and evidence,
- Communication, and consent & documentation
Event information provided by Optimal Birth at https://www.optimalbirth.co.uk/index.php/courses-and-availability/biomechanics-for-birth-professionals