Bedlam Paintball, Craigton Farm, Craigton House, Winchburgh, Edinburgh, EH52 6PY
From £15.99
Wondering what to do on the reading week aside from actually making a start on that coursework you've been putting off? Join Napier badminton on our biggest, paintyest social, Monday 3rd of March!
We will be heading out to Bedlam Paintball (just outside Winchburgh) for 3 hours of paintballing, 12:30 - 15:30.
For those like myself who don't drive, there are busses from Princess Street out to Winchburgh and back. Transport is NOT included in the ticket / event, and is not the responsibilitiy of Napier Badminton, but we will set up a whattsapp group for attendees so ppl can meet up, head through together and share any pics they've taken :D !
These include your entry to the event, Marshals to run the games, kit hire and gas refills*.
Package 1: £55 - *as above +500 paintballs included
Package 2: £45 - *as above +300 paintballs included
Package 3: £15.99 - *as above. no paintballs included
As a guide, Bedlam's site estimates 300-600 paintballs used in a session.
You can buy additional paintballs on site (pre-order price £10 for 100 / £45 for 500) but additional paintballs beyond those included in the packages above are not included in the ticket price. You cannot bring paintballs bought elsewhere to the event per Bedlam's policies - any queries around Bedlam's policies should be directed to Bedlam.
As we will need to pay the event venue, we cannot offer any refunds unless the event is cancelled by Napier Badminton.