Meggetland and ENGAGE, Edinburgh
Edinburgh Napier University takes on Queen Margaret University across 11 sports fixtures on Wednesday 26 March at ENGAGE (Sighthill Campus) and Meggetland Sports Complex to compete for the Varsity Cup.
Which Uni will come out on top and earn the bragging rights? Can Edinburgh Napier retain the trophy?
Supporters are welcome to attend all of the fixtures for FREE, so come along and cheer on the teams if you have some spare time after/between classes!
There will be facepainting stations, university merch, lots of freebies, and at Meggetland even popcorn and candy floss, so make sure to come out and support Napier!
Meggetland Fixtures:
12:00-13:45: Women's Football (3G Pitch)
13:00-14:30: Women's Rugby (Stadium)
13:30-15:00: Women's Hockey (Astro Pitch)
14:15-16:00: Men's Football (3G Pitch)
15:00-17:00: Men's Rugby (Stadium) - Cheerleadijng at Half-time
ENGAGE Fixtures:
11:30 - 13:00: Badminton (courts 1-4)
12:30 - 14:00: Netball (courts 5-8)
13:30 - 15:00: Men's Volleyball (courts 1-4)
14:30 - 16:00: Women's Basketball (courts 5-8)
15:30 - 17:00: Women's Volleyball (courts 1-4)
16:30 - 18:00: Men;s Basketball (courts 5-8)
Join all the teams after the games for the After Party, which will be held at The Three Sisters, Cowgate from 7.30pm. All welcome!
The Cup winner and other awards will be announced at the event, with a DJ and games on after the ceremony until midnight.
Student discounts will be available. Over 18s only.